1. 英文名稱 Sentence Diagramming or Grammatical Diagramming
2. 影片:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZjwNz170MY
3. 影片:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElsXOE5JQAY
4. 圖書:Diagramming the Scriptures (English) 10 六月 2010 作者:Shirley M. Forsen
5. 工具:Biblearc 裡面有一個工具,可以用來製作
6. 工具:Logos 聖經軟體有一 Sentence Diagram Document 功能
以下是 Logos 聖經軟體 Sentence Diagram Document 功能的使用步驟:
Click Insert passage, enter a reference, pick a Bible, choose a diagramming style, select an alternate text option, then click Insert or press Enter.
Create a Sentence Diagram document to diagram the grammatical structure of a biblical passage. This feature provides a fully interactive graphical interface based on standard sentence diagramming notation.
Insert a passage
1. `Click Docs > New > Sentence Diagram to create a new document, or open an existing document from the Docs > Open list. It will open in a new window.`
2. `Click in the “Untitled Sentence Diagram” below the main tool bar and type a unique title.`
3. `Click Insert passage and enter a passage.`
4. `Leave the preferred Bible or click it to choose a different Bible.`
5. `Leave line diagram or click it to choose text flow diagram. (See Sentence Diagramming for descriptions of these options.)`
6. `Leave No Alternate or click it to choose an alternate text option available for the selected resource (e.g., Lemma, Transliterated, Morphology, etc.)`
Logos Help. (2018). Bellingham, WA: Faithlife.
First Post:2021/05/11